What does being stuck really feel like to the average person? Is it being on a job that has become repetitive and uninspiring, lacking challenge and unrewarding to say the least. Or is it similar to being in a relationship that has a lack of love, commitment and trust. On the other-hand, maybe it’s like being a part of a church that lacks growth, vision and unity amongst the members. Possibly being stuck just feels like a meaningless existence in a world where you are overlooked, unappreciated and simply not knowing where you belong.

Have you ever watched a balloon float away into the sky above? That balloon has no idea where its final destination will be. All we know is, either it will “pop” or “deflate” and come to a resting place in some strange location. For many of us, this balloon is a representation of our life’s unfolding journey. At some point we must grab hold of the “string” that controls the balloon (our individual life). Taking control of our life before it gets away is a key step to becoming unstuck. This is evident in 2 Timothy 1:7 which validates the inner strength we already possess. And this can and will lift us beyond our present circumstances. So, once you identify which aspect of your life you want to address first then it must be determined what is it that needs to be changed for the better.

There is no magical or perfect solution or path to rescue us from being or feeling stuck. The inner and outer struggle is an indication we want a break-thru. First, we need to be still and trust ourselves enough to have a willingness to change our mindset as well determine how we will hold the “string” controlling our life. For example, if our goal is to improve a particular relationship then our role has to be defined. Looking at one’s self first means understanding what positives have I brought into this relationship and what areas do I need to improve upon.

Finally, after doing all that is possible do a review and ask yourself the following questions:

  • What did I learn from being stuck?
  • Do I want a real change?
  • Who or what can help me?

There is no set time to becoming unstuck but it will take a persistent effort to be loosed and freed from the existing situation. So, those in jobs, relationships, churches or just living life that are feeling entrenched or stagnant should remain steadfast and inspired because even the turtle reaches its destination in the allotted time. Right now it’s time to begin with some positive affirmations to initiate the process. This means we should first “speak” that which we hope to accomplish into existence (Isaiah 55:11). We can exercise power through our words. Be mindful, that this is not a “speaking” of self-centered miracles but a declaration of faith. Next we must “believe” on that which has been spoken. Our belief system gives shape to our life and then we are able to see the growth spring forth. And ultimately there should be action taken to carry out the inner beliefs. Simple steps to becoming “Unstuck”: Speak it, Believe it and Act on it.