
Dis right here…

Intro: We are in a time where the words and actions of our people have made a significant impact in this or dare I say “Dis” particular moment. We can say “dis” or “dat” but our words need to line up with our actions. Those that have been wrongly taken from this life...

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Decision Up Ahead

Would it surprise you to find out that many people have difficulty making a decision when encountering a yellow traffic light? Statistics have shown drivers have made tragically poor decisions upon seeing the signal change from green to yellow. Obviously, the purpose...

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A Valuable Seed

Having equity in the assets or property we own is a good thing. A key component in the ownership of something is being in a position where what we own has value. So, if we choose to sell it there is an opportunity to reap something in return. However, when it comes to...

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Kindness: Brings Endless Benefits

As you look around from your human binoculars are you able to witness or feel any type of consistent consideration or kind behavior among people? Is kindness towards one another some unworthy commodity that has no real value? To get the most effective performance and...

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His Will

I recently decided to create a Will or legal document that expresses my desires on how I wish my property to be distributed after I am gone. At some point in life some people decide to create a Will to protect what is of value to them from being taken or given away in...

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Life’s Play Clock

There are critical moments in a game when our mental preparation or our mindset becomes the deciding factor in whether the team or even us as individuals win or lose. It may be time for that one last shot or one final pass where the player(s) has to make good use of...

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What is Trying to Weigh You Down?

Have you ever stepped on a scale to check your weight only to find out you are heavier than what you realized? Wouldn’t it be nice if you took one leg off the scale and that would represent your true weight? Sometimes we seek the easiest and most convenient way to...

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(Man)age You

Just recently I was driving on the highway and I noticed a lamp shade lying on the ground. Obviously, it’s normal to just see a variety of discarded or lost items scattered on the roadway. But what crossed my mind is how the lampstand that goes with the now missing...

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How to Play Fair in the Battlefield

When I was growing up the kids in the neighborhood would engage in various competitive games and challenges. Something as simple as competitively flipping coins against the wall or playing a physical game of what we called “murder ball” (an intense individual based...

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