Would it surprise you to find out that many people have difficulty making a decision when encountering a yellow traffic light? Statistics have shown drivers have made tragically poor decisions upon seeing the signal change from green to yellow. Obviously, the purpose of this yellow light is to assist those navigating the roads in a way that is safe and efficient for everyone. Imagine if we as individuals were built with an actual yellow light mechanism that gets triggered as we encounter various situations and circumstances that would require us to slow down and proceed with caution.

Unfortunately, many of us come up against those moments where we wish that we had waited before making that specific “decision”. Some decisions are routine and then there are others that need a more strategic approach. I remember trading in my first (PAID OFF) automobile and purchasing another vehicle which I needed to finance and make monthly payments. The decision was impulsive and not well thought out. Of course that was a major factor in the financial frustrations that I would soon encounter. That was the result of trying to create a solution before putting in the work first.

The pressure from others, our surroundings or even the pressure we place on ourselves can lead us to make unwise decisions. The disciple Peter said he would not deny his love for Jesus after he was told the results in advance. Yet, his actions would prove otherwise. Thankfully, his failure in that specific moment did not disqualify him from the eternal blessings which were purposed for him. We have to be willing to “patiently” establish our thought process so the decisions to come are not met with disappointment. It’s important to understand what the goal is.

Here are a few additional approaches to consider:

  • Challenge yourself on why you need to act or react at this moment. Consider whether that decision will cause immediate or long-term hardships.
  • Be willing to reach out and talk to others who can provide some type of neutral advice.
  • Take a moment to be still, block out any surrounding noise and listen to that inner voice on the inside of you and trust what it says.

The scripture in Philippians 4:6 encourages us to not be anxious, in other words don’t be in a rush, about anything but by prayer make your requests unto God. Remember it’s okay to rebuke your thoughts when they are not aligned with a comfortable plan. When it came to my decision to trade in my vehicle I did not pray, I did not consult anyone nor did I listen to that inner voice. But I can now use that experience to help me in future decisions as well as helping others. It is important to know, that encouragement can still be encouraged to know our acquired knowledge is still fruitful.