We are in a time where the words and actions of our people have made a significant impact in this or dare I say “Dis” particular moment. We can say “dis” or “dat” but our words need to line up with our actions. Those that have been wrongly taken from this life can only express themselves through the memories and the pain of those still here. Our families, communities, organizations supporting change and others that are standing together with us both far and near need to understand “Dis” right here…
Dis is it!!!
This theme of ignorance to our pain has to be discontinued. The movement that is in place for awareness must be continued.
The initial revelations from the videos and injustices were difficult to discuss but then things kept constantly happening making many want to do more than just cuss.
Why is that? Because of all the lies and distrust. Who wants to talk when there is no one to trust.
The fact that many of the present issues were dismissed in the past means the time is now to avoid this from ever being missed.
The days gone by have proven that many can be dishonest but its time now to figure this thing out and just be honest.
Because we all need to stay woke before the majority begin to take disinterest and then we will be repeating this to recapture the interest.
The disappointment that has occurred because of the lives taken cannot just be forgotten overnight by some special appointment.
Yes, we may have a disagreement amongst one another but that should cause us to see the greater need to come to an agreement.
The leader(s) that are in power seem to have some type of disconnect since its beyond obvious how the rights of all races need to connect.
Which is why it’s so hurtful with the blatant disrespect when all that we are asking for is simply respect.
Those that have been mistreated for so long do not have the ability to discolor their skin but why can’t we just be who we are without reference to our skin color.
So many have had to suffer because the truth was never there to discover and now those that were trying to hide it are running for cover.
All the racial issues in the spotlight have now made many feel a level of discomfort which gives those in the minority a small sense of comfort.
The goal has to remain intact to discourage mistreatment and strive to empower all people to be who they are with a high level of courage.
For so long what we prayed and kneeled for was disvalued and now here we are begging for our lives to be more valued.
We stand together to discredit those that want to share a negative narrative of who we are. Our strength in adversity will get the credit.
Let’s get beyond electing people who disappear when we need justice. We need to applaud our allies for helping bring about laws and opportunities that now appear.
No matter what we must continue to displace hate and find a way to let love find its rightful place.
The inhumane treatment of those of color has been a true disgrace but let’s hold our heads up high because we are still in His Grace.
Would it surprise you to find out that many people have difficulty making a decision when encountering a yellow traffic light? Statistics have shown drivers have made tragically poor decisions upon seeing the signal change from green to yellow. Obviously, the purpose of this yellow light is to assist those navigating the roads in a way that is safe and efficient for everyone. Imagine if we as individuals were built with an actual yellow light mechanism that gets triggered as we encounter various situations and circumstances that would require us to slow down and proceed with caution.
Unfortunately, many of us come up against those moments where we wish that we had waited before making that specific “decision”. Some decisions are routine and then there are others that need a more strategic approach. I remember trading in my first (PAID OFF) automobile and purchasing another vehicle which I needed to finance and make monthly payments. The decision was impulsive and not well thought out. Of course that was a major factor in the financial frustrations that I would soon encounter. That was the result of trying to create a solution before putting in the work first.
The pressure from others, our surroundings or even the pressure we place on ourselves can lead us to make unwise decisions. The disciple Peter said he would not deny his love for Jesus after he was told the results in advance. Yet, his actions would prove otherwise. Thankfully, his failure in that specific moment did not disqualify him from the eternal blessings which were purposed for him. We have to be willing to “patiently” establish our thought process so the decisions to come are not met with disappointment. It’s important to understand what the goal is.
Here are a few additional approaches to consider:
Challenge yourself on why you need to act or react at this moment. Consider whether that decision will cause immediate or long-term hardships.
Be willing to reach out and talk to others who can provide some type of neutral advice.
Take a moment to be still, block out any surrounding noise and listen to that inner voice on the inside of you and trust what it says.
The scripture in Philippians 4:6 encourages us to not be anxious, in other words don’t be in a rush, about anything but by prayer make your requests unto God. Remember it’s okay to rebuke your thoughts when they are not aligned with a comfortable plan. When it came to my decision to trade in my vehicle I did not pray, I did not consult anyone nor did I listen to that inner voice. But I can now use that experience to help me in future decisions as well as helping others. It is important to know, that encouragement can still be encouraged to know our acquired knowledge is still fruitful.
Have you reached that point where you just want to stay in your room or some private place away from the everyday foolishness? It’s like silly drama or misunderstandings are just coming through your door with special VIP access to your life. No matter how hard you try to be peaceful or positive it’s to no avail.
If you are ready to move forward and keep your sanity while not having to “lose your religion” as we say in slang terms, then let’s try a few of these methods:
Stay true to who you are. If everyone around you expects you to “act” a certain way while they are free to act out; then be willing to express yourself in an honest and sincere way. You have to be fair to yourself if you are going to be fair with others. In a sports game the coach usually calls a timeout when his team is not performing up to standards or if the other team is getting the best of his. The timeout is needed to slow the momentum and talk about a strategy. Well, in this case be willing to ask the person(s) to allow you an opportunity to share a different approach or thought in the midst of what is happening.
Look at the situation from the other person’s perspective. When we look in the mirror sometimes we are focusing on specific areas of our physical image. But when we are looking at others we tend to see everything about that person physically without limitation. So, take your time and understand with “patience” what this person may be dealing with. Sometimes people are simply in need of someone to understand them.
Ask yourself simple questions. We have seen the phrase of WWJD (What Would Jesus Do). And this is used to guide us on how to handle situations by reflecting on the behavior and nature of Jesus and how he handled difficult challenges. Well we can also make reference to WWJD for another phrase which is Wrong Ways Just Dumb. In other words, acting or behaving in an “ugly” or negative way serves no purpose in the long-term so take a moment to be still and allow the positive side of your conscious to lead the way.
Be mindful that we exercise our physical bodies through various repetitions to build up our core muscles so it’s going to take faithful mental repetitions to deal with the drama around us. We have to be strategic even in our thought process. So, let’s be diligent about keeping our peace of mind because the world needs more peace and less foolishness.
Having equity in the assets or property we own is a good thing. A key component in the ownership of something is being in a position where what we own has value. So, if we choose to sell it there is an opportunity to reap something in return. However, when it comes to our personal existence we sometimes lose sight of what is valuable within us. We are created with certain unique qualities and abilities that have to be brought forth from our own mentality.
Jesus shared a story of how an owner sowed good seed in his field. At some point the enemy (or the one who does not want good in your life) appeared and sowed weeds or something bad in the field. The simple solution of plucking the weeds immediately from the field would have an impact on the good seed and thus lower its equity or value. Is there something or someone in your life trying to lower the value of your worth or good seed? How we see ourselves is an important part of growing our seed. As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he (Proverbs 23:7).
It is important we recognize our value on a daily basis. The owner of the good seed had to keep pouring the important resources (water, fertilizer, etc.) into the seed for it to reach its full potential. Over time the weeds that came along eventually withered away or became easier to gather up and be destroyed. The same concept is true for the value we have within us. Those challenges and obstacles around us will only last for so long or for a season. We have to make sure to nurture and feed our mind and heart with positivity through prayer, productive thoughts, and study. These steps will allow you to grow what is on the inside.
Seek God for guidance and the resources necessary to grow what’s on the inside of you. The fruits that spring forth from your good seed will provide you and others you can influence with equity that has value beyond your imagination.
As you look around from your human binoculars are you able to witness or feel any type of consistent consideration or kind behavior among people? Is kindness towards one another some unworthy commodity that has no real value? To get the most effective performance and mileage out of our vehicles it helps to stick to the manufacturers recommended maintenance schedules; along with following some simple streamlined tips for fuel, tire pressure and other vehicle friendly driving methods. We can also improve the disposition of our behavior by getting better mileage in the area of kindness from our fellow man by handling situations more positively. We should not be content with bickering, rolling of the eyes, physical altercations, misunderstandings or causing any type of hurtful behavior to another individual.
The impact of kindness can cause us to be more inspired and even impact how we view the quality of life. Because kindness involves a “giving” aspect it does not always appear to be beneficial but it really is beneficial to the giver and the receiver. There is a story of a young lady in the book of Ruth which offers a great perspective on the results of actions being covered by kindness. Ruth made a decision to remain loyal to her mother-in-law after tragedy struck their family. Some of us would run from our own families if given the chance. But Ruth’s kindness was not only inspiring but caught the attention of someone (Boaz) who would provide Ruth and her mother-in-law a change for the better in life.
One of my favorite quotes is “Kindness means building bridges instead of walls”, which reminds me that our pathway is so much easier to travel without the unnecessary obstacles we tend to create. Kindness really is contagious when it is effectively put to use. An article in the Huffington Post, mentions that carrying out “kind” acts for two minutes (120 seconds) a day for 21 days can train the brain to be more positive. Again we are talking about surrendering a small fraction of time to contribute to significant problem that is prevalent amongst mankind. In essence, our actions toward anyone should begin with compassion; and that friend called “kindness” will gladly tag along. Of course, a greater reward for being kind is that our bodies will get a sufficient dosage of feel-good chemicals. Not to mention, one God’s essential fruits of the spirit is kindness (Galatians 5:22-23). Thus we are nourishing our body with an important fruit that can grow regardless of the environment.
I recently decided to create a Will
or legal document that expresses my desires on how I wish my property to be
distributed after I am gone. At some point in life some people decide to create
a Will to protect what is of value to them from being taken or given away in
the wrong manner. So, people establish a Will to ensure what is important to
them goes to whom or where they choose. There can be disappointment or even embarrassment
for those that may feel entitled to something and are excluded from the Will.
Anyone who is able to reach out to
or contact a person making a Will can make a request of what they would like to
receive in that Will but there is no guarantee they will get anything. However,
our Father said in his Word to “Ask and it will
be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and the door will be opened to you.” <Matt
7:7> What we need to be sure about is what are we asking for and to whom are
we asking.
We shall reap a great inheritance
from our Father if we will
abide in his instructions. He has told us that he has prepared a place where
there are many mansions so don’t be troubled in your heart. How many of us even
have one house to place in a legal Will? It’s our Father’s will that we all walk in His glory and do not go astray from
his Word. The Father’s will
for our earthly life may not entail great material gains and riches but that
does not diminish our value or importance to life itself. But we can still ask
him for the desires of our heart <Psalm 37:4>. But if we are connected to
the Father in a way that is pleasing to him then what we are “asking” for will align with his will and thus our names will be a part of his eternal
Will…. which will be to be
included in the Lamb’s Book of Life.
There is no limit to God’s abundant blessings. We have to mindful that it’s not about our Will or what we are willing to do but the will of our Father <Mark 14:36>. God’s only son, Jesus, knew how difficult a choice it would be but his acceptance of the “will” made him King to the throne. So are you willing to trust the Father and be an heir in his Will (Written Inheritance Long Lasting).
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