Having equity in the assets or property we own is a good thing. A key component in the ownership of something is being in a position where what we own has value. So, if we choose to sell it there is an opportunity to reap something in return. However, when it comes to our personal existence we sometimes lose sight of what is valuable within us. We are created with certain unique qualities and abilities that have to be brought forth from our own mentality.
Jesus shared a story of how an owner sowed good seed in his field. At some point the enemy (or the one who does not want good in your life) appeared and sowed weeds or something bad in the field. The simple solution of plucking the weeds immediately from the field would have an impact on the good seed and thus lower its equity or value. Is there something or someone in your life trying to lower the value of your worth or good seed? How we see ourselves is an important part of growing our seed. As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he (Proverbs 23:7).
It is important we recognize our value on a daily basis. The owner of the good seed had to keep pouring the important resources (water, fertilizer, etc.) into the seed for it to reach its full potential. Over time the weeds that came along eventually withered away or became easier to gather up and be destroyed. The same concept is true for the value we have within us. Those challenges and obstacles around us will only last for so long or for a season. We have to make sure to nurture and feed our mind and heart with positivity through prayer, productive thoughts, and study. These steps will allow you to grow what is on the inside.
Seek God for guidance and the resources necessary to grow what’s on the inside of you. The fruits that spring forth from your good seed will provide you and others you can influence with equity that has value beyond your imagination.
Thank you for another great blog, Dre. This resonates within me, I’ve been dealing with this very issue. We have to be so careful who we allow entering our lives because they can either be liability or an asset. liabilities in ours lives can try to destroy our value but we have to keep moving. God knows and values us because He made us and that should be enough. My prayer is Lord help me not to allow what others say affect the value on my life and help me to water what’s on the inside so that I may grow.